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The Golden Pet Nutrition Team loves fun facts!

Dogs are so much more than mans best friend!  They are smart, sensitive, funny, mischievous and sweet.  Golden Pet Nutrition believes not only in nutrition, but total pet health.  As we research new recipes and helpful tips for our own dogs, we often run across some really cool fun facts. 


We hope you will take some time to read through these.  If you have any fun facts of your own, please submit them.  Who knows you might make it onto our website!  


Your dog should not be fed table food that is high in fat content.  Fat doesn't clog arteries in the same way it does in humans, but if given a sudden intake of high fat foods this can trigger pancreatitis. Because fats are high in calories, another concern is obesity.


Proteins service as one of many sources of energy and are made of amino acids.  These help your pets body with normal biological functions. Some amino acids are essential because your pet can't make enough of them without the proper nutrition.


Carbohydrates such as starches, sugars and fibers from sources such as potatoes and peas - provide energy and help the digestive system work properly.

Extra fiber can be added to some diets to help overweight dogs feel full so they're less tempted to be for more snacks!


Dietary fats are needed for cell structure and function.  Fats provide essential fatty acids that the body doesn't naturally produce sufficient quantities of. While all fats enhance texture and flavor of food - this  may be just enough to help a sick pet eat.


Your veterinarian may suggest supplemental fiber for your pet to assist in maintaining a healthy stool consistency.  But did you know?...Plain canned pumpkin is commonly recommended!


Just like humans, exercise is an essential part of your dogs daily routine. It's good for their hearts, keeps aging dogs mobile, and provides an outlet for energy that most all dogs have. Also, a tired dog is generally a well behaved dog. Take note of your dogs responses to exercise and adjust accordingly. Be careful in extreme heat or cold, as this can affect your dogs health.


This sounds simple but can more complicated than you think! Socialize your dog from a young age. A dog that  does well around other animals is much more welcomed into an environment than one that has been sheltered or not allowed to get to know other animals. Be sure to feed your dog a quality dog food. It is worth the investment. This will not only provide them with better health overall (just like what we humans eat affects our health) but will benefit their skin/coat. ensure their gastrointestinal tract is healthy and could possibly provide them with a longer life! Who doesn't want that?


If you've ever watched your dog twitching, chattering or moving their paws while sleeping, you may have wondered if they are dreaming. The answer is yes. Dogs do dream!!


What are dreams?

Dreams occur during sleep, so understanding the sleep process helps define what dreams are. Sleep is a  natural state of being in which consciousness and voluntary muscular activity are reduced in both people and animals. Sleep is very important for growth and allows downtime to recharge body systems. While sleeping, the brain also processes information and experiences that occurred during waking hours. Dreaming is part of this sleep cycle. When we dream, we aren’t fully conscious, so while our dreams can be quite vivid and seem very real, we don’t actually smell, taste, or feel anything. During sleep, the brains of humans and dogs function in a similar manner and exhibit brain wave patterns that show a difference between the two basic stages of the sleep cycle. When you or your dog first fall asleep, you experience SWS, slow wave sleep, when brain waves are slow and undulating. During this stage of the sleep cycle, mental processes are quiet, but muscle tone is still active so the body is not totally relaxed. Your dog will appear to be resting calmly but can easily be awakened during SWS.


Later, a deeper stage of sleep occurs, marked by rapid eye movements – so this stage is called REM sleep – during which brain waves are faster and irregular. Unlike SWS, muscles are more relaxed during REM, but the mind is more active and the eyes dart rapidly beneath the eyelids. During this stage of heightened mental activity, your dog may whine, breathe rapidly, and move his legs.


"Both humans and dogs experience both stages of the sleep cycle."



Contributors: Lynn Buzhardt, DVM


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  1. Brush your dog every few days. If you can get yourself into the routine, it's easy to keep up with. This will ensure that their coat holds on to less dirt (equals cleaner floors too) and will help prevent matting fur.

  2. Wipe your dogs paws clean/dry when they come in from an outside wet environment. Not only will this create less of a mess but it will help remove anything they may have picked up while out, as well as provide dryer fur around the paw pads to lessen the risk of bacteria growth.

  3. Check your dogs ears. Lift the ear flap and look into your dogs ears. If they are dry and pink the are healthy. If they have build up or debris, use a canine ear cleaner (can be purchased at Petsmart, Petco or your from your Veterinarian) and gauze to gently wipe the area clean. Never use a Q-Tip in a dogs ear.

  4. Provide some sort of dental cleaning. The best option is to 'brush your dogs teeth' by using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed for canine's. If you do this once a week, they will have less tartar and plaque, and healthier gums. Gum disease affects t dogs too, not just humans!

  5. Keep their nails trimmed. Be sure to keep your dogs nails trimmed by taking them on walks so that their nails stay at a reasonable length. If your dogs nails are already too long, have the nails trimmed once every two weeks until the quick of the nail begins to recede, thus the overall health of the nails will improve. *If you are doing this yourself, be careful not to cut the nail too short. This is called "cutting the quick". This can be very painful for dogs and can cause bleeding. Should you decide to do this at home, ask your Veterinarian to show you how.


How do you know? Well, pay attention to them! It seems simple but the more familiar you are with your dogs mannerisms - the more easily you can tell when they are unhappy. Make sure they have adequate exercise and play time. Ensure that clean fresh water is available at all times. Feed on a regular schedule and stick to that schedule as well as you can. Dogs like structure so providing this for them is essential to their happiness.

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